Building Intelligence Group started in 2004. Since then we have been involved with projects across North America focused on energy efficiency, integrated controls, and optimization as well as participating in research efforts that range from helping to develop plans for Net Zero Energy Buildings, to programs for training next generation building technicians. Clients have included building owners, utilities, Government agencies, and Non-Government Organizations.
Paul Ehrlich, PE
Paul is the founder and President of Building Intelligence Group. He is a licensed engineer and actively involved in efforts to improve building efficiency both on a project by project basis as well as programs to elevate the performance of the industry.
Throughout his career, Paul has been actively involved with industry groups focused on the creation of new automation standards and technologies. Previous roles include chairing the BACnet sub-committee on interoperability, and acting as the inaugural chair for the oBIX committee to establish XML standards for building controls. He also served two terms as a member of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) advisory council.
Prior to forming Building Intelligence Group, Paul spent 20 + years working for industry leading firms including Johnson Controls and Trane.
Paul has a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of St. Thomas.